What’s in a Brand?
Just about everything we consume has a brand name on it, from our favorite breakfast cereal to the car we drive to the cellular service provider we choose and everything in between. A brand name tells us exactly what to expect when we buy that product or service or interact with that company. That’s why it’s SO important that we are true to our brand in every touch point with our customers, and also with our employees. Why would our reward & recognition programs be any different?
Employee recognition and performance improvement programs deliver a return on investment that far exceeds financial gains, provided that they are structured and administered intentionally and effectively. Brand your employee programs the same way that you would brand a product or service offering to ensure that they will have the maximum impact. If you are launching critical employee incentive programs with generic and forgettable names like “Employee Reward Program”, you’re missing an opportunity to connect your employees emotionally to your company objectives.
6 Steps to Branding Your Employee Reward & Recognition Program
- Put the time in up front to create a brand that captures and communicates your company’s core values.
- Use language that ties those values to the objectives of your initiative (improving safety, wellness, customer service, team building, training, etc.).
- Invite input from representative employees and managers throughout your organization so that you’re not designing the program in a vacuum. Don’t assume what will motivate your audience; get their input.
- Partner with an experienced solution provider to ensure that you have addressed all of the factors that contribute to a successful program and are avoiding common pitfalls.
- Dress up your theme with a logo, tag lines, color schemes and other elements that support your messaging, are consistent with your company’s brand attributes and will make the program more memorable.
- Communicate the program using every platform available: online, in print, via on site posters, through company newsletters or social media. Provide regular updates to generate excitement and keep your program on the minds of the participants that you are motivating.
Brands add value, create trust and inspire. Make sure that your brand extends to the programs you create to improve performance and reward & recognize your employees. Branding your internal programs will provide your workforce with direction, motivation, reinforce company values and ensure that you will see the highest return on your employee recognition investment.