All Star Incentive Marketing, Inc. just released PROPEL version 5.0, the company’s latest version of their proprietary web-based software solution which initially blanketed the incentive market in 2000.
PROPEL 5.0 emerged from careful consideration to client and participant feedback. According to Heidi Chatfield, All Star’s VP of Marketing Communications, “The ultimate goal was to create a more engaging, enjoyable and rewarding experience that continues to deliver on its promise to deliver proven results.”
From advanced search capabilities to expanded details on award products including multiple images, videos, and product ratings, All Star envisions their clients will increase the number of participants and the frequency at which they will engage in the program. According to Brian Galonek, All Star’s President, “The more participation we can get in an incentive program for our clients, the more they benefit. When participants redeem awards, it’s because they’re doing something right, be it selling more, staying loyal to the company or following safe work practices, high participation means our clients’ goals and objectives are getting met.”
Immediately upon release clients have capitalized on the enhanced communication opportunities to reinforce their company positioning, program objectives, and ultimately their brand promise. According to one program participant “the ability to personalize my account profile and select my own avatar has created a more interactive and fun environment”.