Best Practices for Recognizing your Remote Workforce 

According to The Gallup Organization and the U.S. Census Bureau, 26% of U.S. employees in 2022 work remotely – four times the number who worked remotely before.

It also noted that by 2025 there could be as many as 36.2 million Americans working from home or other remote locations.

From higher productivity levels to lower costs, better hiring opportunities and more, working remotely provides many benefits both for the employer and the employees. And with pandemic-related precautions still lingering, an even bigger number of businesses have become aware of these benefits.

This doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t any challenges associated with remote work.

One of the main things remote workers struggle with is the lack of team spirit and culture.

However, there are several effective ways an employer can overcome this challenge, and to recognize their remote workforce. Here are our suggestions:

  1. If your company has a comprehensive employee engagement program in place, utilize all the tools in that program to give frequent and timely recognition utilizing spot recognition tools, eCards, social wall shout outs, leader boards and more.  Award points alongside some of the recognition events to add more power and create buzz.

  3. Give your employees a call and thank them directly. This will show them that you don’t just call them when something is wrong or when there’s more work to be taken care of. Show them that your organization values its remote workforce, and that employee engagement is a priority. This will help place company culture on the right track.

  4. Make recognition a part of every meeting. The best way is to incorporate it into your day-to-day virtual meetings or schedule one just to thank everyone for a job well done. No other agenda needs to be included. If your entire team has been performing exceptionally, why not thank them all through a casual video meeting?

  5. Give them praise on your social media channels. If your business s is actively engaged in social media communications, dedicate an entire post to give your employees the praise they deserve, and make it a regular practice.  

  6. Invest in learning opportunities. Investing in your employee’s professional development as a way of saying “thank you” is a win-win strategy. Not only will they appreciate the reward, but your company will also end up winning, as you’ll also be upgrading your team’s know-how and capabilities.

  7. Appreciation gifts are always welcome. In a previous blog, we discussed the importance of making gifts welcome and meaningful. Make your gift customizable and personalized, such as a gourmet basket for the foodie, or a ticket to the next football game for the sports aficionado.

  8. Give a surprise day off. A simple and inexpensive expression of appreciation: an extra vacation day, when employees can rest, disconnect from work, and spend time with their friends and families. 

The individuals who make up your workforce, whether working remotely or onsite, are effective, enthusiastic, creative, and resourceful. Smart businesses look for ways to empower those employees, engage them in business goals and help them to make meaningful contributions. 

At All Star Incentive Marketing, we work with clients to build a comprehensive incentive recognition and reward program to develop stronger relationships and increase employee satisfaction throughout your organization.

Brian Galonek


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