In a recent article “7 Things Your Employees Won’t Tell You But Should” the author makes some very valid points that speak to the crucial need for companies and management to engage their employees on various levels and in a multitude of ways.
One such way is to survey your employees – a recommendation that we make to our clients day in and day out. The survey can be both optional and anonymous – but making it available shows that your company is open and interested in feedback and helps build trust with your employees. It’s important to not only have a baseline by which to measure against but also a temperature check with your employees throughout the year. There are times where it makes sense to reward them for completing a survey – best done within the framework of an existing online rewards and recognition program.
Suggestion programs may seem a bit “old school” but they too offer an option for open and honest feedback from employees. Here at All Star we can earn points for suggestions that, if cost-saving in nature, are implemented company-wide. Being able to submit suggestions offers your employees a tool to be involved in shaping the day-to-day life in the office (where they spend the majority of their time)!
Consider a company newsletter to communicate about initiatives happening within the company. Make the newsletter available wherever your employees are obtaining information – an intranet site, an incentive program, etc. Make it a forum to communicate about company happenings but also recognize employees.
Lastly – consider a “state of the company” meeting or gathering. All Star holds a Summit each year where we learn about the current state of the business and the future outlook. Even better – employee survey findings (good and bad) are presented and compared against results from previous years. Knowledge truly is power and employees that feel connected to and trusted by their company to learn the “inside scoop” are likely to feel more valued, engaged and ultimately more loyal.
Any way you look at it – communication and engagement are keys to success. Make sure communication isn’t a one-way street. Communication works best when all parties involved feel the freedom, trust, and comfort level to speak up and give an opinion.