Incentives for Vaccines: Do they work?

Strengthening Corporate Culture



It’s critically important for U.S. businesses to get their workforce vaccinated against COVID-19. Not only for the financial recovery of the company and health and well-being of their employees but also for the health and safety of their customers and clients. As of this writing, 63% of American adults have received at least one shot; 52% are fully vaccinated (received 2 shots plus the 2-week period following); 70% of adults have received at least one shot in 12 states. Many companies, as well as the government, are offering incentives for people to accept this free, potentially life-saving vaccine: do they work?

Widespread vaccination is recognized as essential for the United States to return to full economic activity. Companies with a fully vaccinated workforce have:

  • fewer employees with illness
  • lower absenteeism and avoid the associated lost productivity
  • lower healthcare costs

What employers can do:

Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is available to all adults and children over 16 (and being expanded to those 12-15), the time is right for employers to strongly encourage all employees to become vaccinated. Ways in which this can be accomplished include:

  • Leading by example
  • Providing resources and education about vaccines
  • Paid time off to get vaccinated
  • On-site vaccination clinics
  • Help in finding/scheduling vaccination appointments
  • Providing an additional incentive for employees to get vaccinated

Incentives can include everything from extra vacation time for employees who are fully vaccinated or childcare credits to cash payments and tangible merchandise rewards. (Because we know that cash incentives are less successful in changing behaviors in the workplace, we would recommend using tangible incentives or experiences in lieu of cash).

Here at All Star Incentive Marketing, fully vaccinated employees receive an additional 100 points to redeem an item of their choice through our total rewards platform. Another example of a tangible incentive that encourage employees to get vaccinated could include a gift of a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses with the message: “Thanks for getting your vaccination – the future looks bright!” Many companies across the country are offering a variety of incentives to encourage their employees as well as their customers to get vaccinated.

Keeping Track

It’s important to know which of your employees are fully vaccinated. According to this Law Review article, “it is lawful to ask employees for this information. Simply requesting proof of receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination is not a disability-related inquiry under the ADA. However, subsequent employer questions, such as asking why an individual did not receive a vaccination, may elicit information about a disability and would be subject to the pertinent ADA standard that such questions must be “job-related and consistent with business necessity.”

When you are considering whether to offer vaccine incentives to your workforce, it is important to partner with a professional firm that can help you to structure an effective campaign that will achieve your objectives. Contact us today to learn more!





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