Prominent media reviews / awards
- Sony’s 3rd time winning this esteemed award in the last 4 years – Link to news story online
- Copy of cover of December Popular Photography below (“Popular Photography Jan 2014 Cover”)
- α7 selected as Camera of the Year from Digital Trends Best of 2013 – Link to news story online
- α7R selected as Camera of the Year: Overall Achievement – Link to news story online
Notable Quotes:
- David Pogue Yahoo! – “Sony’s Tiny New Full Frame SLR is a Pocket Full of Awesome” – LINK Very positive review of the α7 and α7R cameras and applauds us for leading the charge in full frame and ushering in “a new era of beautiful photographs”.
- SLR Lounge, “Ditching the DSLR for Mirrorless” The title of the article captures it all as Joe Gunawan explains the benefits of full frame photography in half the size and weight. He also includes real world usage (engagement shot) that helps show why you don’t need to lug around your Canon gear anymore – Link
- Stuck in Customs, highly influential travel photography site ran by Trey Ratcliff claims that the α7R is his “main camera” and “an unbelievable mix of four key things that make this a game changer: 1) full frame sensor, 2) interchangeable lenses 3) small, 4) inexpensive.” – Link
- The Verge, very positive review for both the α7 and α7R and an applaud to Sony’s strategic direction – Link
- “The original goal for Micro Four Thirds cameras was to take the DSLR’s crown and provide a more portable interchangeable lens camera with the best image quality. In effect, Sony has taken up that mantle, taken the concept even further, and aimed right at the big players in the photography industry, much in the same way the iPhone went right after the incumbent smartphone makers of 2007. It might be a few years before we realize it, but when the DSLR is relegated to a niche status among specialty photographers and full-frame mirrorless cameras dominate the market, we’ll have the α7s to thank as the cameras that started it all.”
- USA Today, Talking Tech columnist, Jefferson Graham reviewed current compact cameras and refers to the α7 as “the camera that I really fell in love with” – Link
Jefferson Graham shouldering a bulky DSLR and the small but powerful Α7R
- Gizmodo publishes strong review of α7 and α7R, calling them “the future of photography”– Link
- Imaging Resource posts full review of the RX10 camera, referring to it as “revolutionary in a way that few cameras are these days” and “essentially unrivaled”
- Review Link
- Steve Huff Photo applauds Sony for our continued drive towards innovation while other camera manufacturers are falling behind –
- α7/ α7R review: link