Springing Together Towards Wellness

SpringIntoWellnessFinding the key to what motivates employees is something that every employer faces at one time or another.  Utilizing the framework of an existing wellness program or deciding to launch a new one as part of your motivational toolbox – is worth serious consideration.  What many research studies on wellness programs have told us thus far is that employees are more productive and motivated when they know that their employer is invested in their total quality of life (not just what happens inside the office).

While benefits such as use of a company gym and bonus programs related to insurance carriers are all worthy, there are plenty of unique ways to take wellness to the next level and get your employees actively engaged.  Something worth considering though, is that wellness doesn’t have to just be about the individual.  The ability to weave team and individual goals together can inspire your employees and elevate the spirit of teamwork across an organization.

All Star Incentive Marketing’s very own wellness program has always  promoted teamwork, competition, problem solving, results oriented events, and contests to encourage employees to achieve wellness oriented goals within multiple disciplines (financial health, fitness, healthy eating, weight loss, disease management, and social responsibility).  This gives us a leg up when working with our clients to design their own programs.

While acting as a team to achieve wellness goals, many of our employees have found individual benefits of becoming healthier, fit and well-balanced.   From the company’s perspective, an equally positive benefit is that through these pursuits, employees have furthered their abilities and willingness to successfully navigate business related challenges collectively.

Consider establishing some friendly team and individual competition within the scope of your wellness program to not only achieve health-related results but also to increase motivation.

Some of the motivational challenges that All Star has implemented include:

–        Walking/step challenges

–        Weight loss competitions

–        Healthy eating quizzes

–        Volunteer opportunities for spring clean-up

Spring is the perfect time to implement these types of challenges as everyone is ready for renewal in one way or another.  For those employees that may not be willing to participate in the actual competition consider asking them to help administer the activities.  Involvement on any level can have a positive impact for the company with results that pay off beyond measure.



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