What’s Driving Organizational Trends in 2022? – Part 2

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The last couple of years in this COVID environment have impacted business in a variety of ways. Several trends have emerged that will further affect organizations in 2022. Some of the statistics that are driving trends this year are:

  1. 64% of employees do not feel engaged in their current work (Gallup)
  2. 82% of employees feel that their managers do not appropriately appreciate and recognize their contributions (OC Tanner)
  3. Where possible, companies are “reskilling” or “upskilling” current employees rather than hiring new workers for particular jobs.
  4. 70% of employers expect to automate elements of their talent acquisition efforts over the next decade (Career Builder)
  5. 50% of companies already use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to source and screen candidates
  6. Virtual Reality (VR) tools are increasingly used for recruiting, onboarding, and training employees.
  7. Today’s workplace includes traditional, remote, and hybrid workplace models.


The first 3 trends were examined in Part 1 of a previous blog post. The following are trends driven by the statistics in points 4-7:


Trend #4: Automation

According to Vexxit Business, 70% of employers intend to automate elements of their talent acquisition efforts in this decade. The recruiting process can be significantly streamlined by using automated technologies that help to identify, attract, engage and convert candidates into applicants.

Where employee reward and recognition programs are used to increase employee engagement, automation plays a key role in managing the program, communicating with participants and in evaluating the success of the program.


Trend #5: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Further aiding in the recruitment process, Vexxit Business also finds that 50% of employers are already using artificial intelligence to locate, screen and schedule interviews with candidates. One example is the use of chatbots to build relationships with candidates, shortening the recruitment cycle.

AI can help in employee engagement efforts as well. Through predictive analysis, issues involved in employee engagement programs can be identified sooner and intervention or corrective steps put in place more immediately.


Trend #6: Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality tools are predicted to be valuable for recruiting, on-boarding and training employees. Because many current workplaces include remote workers, VR tools can facilitate collaboration and connection of team members, regardless of their physical location to each other.

In employee recognition and performance improvement programs, gamification is often a component. Virtual Reality tools can enhance these experiences as well and increase engagement in program participation.


Trend #7: Varied Workplace Models

COVID has introduced many companies to the remote workplace. As we adjust to a new normal, organizations may be anywhere from a traditional to a remote to a hybrid workplace model. The use of the technologies outlined above can be critical to managing these new workplace models.


Contact us for help in adopting some of these trends to improve your business!




Brian Galonek


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