Dyson items have been a superb product selection in incentive programs for years. When our sourcing team thinks of a great incentive award, we look for items that most anyone would love to own, yet might not be willing to spend their hard earned cash to buy. Tangible premium products drive program participants to remain loyal customers, meet sales goals, be healthier, and stay safer on the job to earn more program points!
To that point, we are happy to share a brand new item from Dyson, available in June in your incentive program – the NEW Dyson DC59 Motorhead
We just love the new line of cordless vacs from Dyson. Sure, we’ve all used a cordless hand vac since the early 80’s that you use quickly and return to it cradle to charge, but the new cordless series is truly a step forward in what we will expect in 2014. Dyson’s patented Cyclone Technology brings a new era of cordless vacs that delivers more power than anything we’ve seen before.
“No cord, yet outcleans most full size vacuums across carpets and hard floors.* People don’t associate cordless vacuum cleaners with power – they don’t think that they can clean carpets thoroughly enough. DC59 Motorhead has 75% more brush bar power than DC59AN, allowing it to drive bristles deeper into carpets to agitate dust and dirt.“
The NEW Dyson DC59 Motorhead can be docked against any wall, anywhere you can plug it in. A 3.5 hour charge gives you 24 minutes of high powered cleaning time or you can use the Power Boost mode to increase your suction power for up to 6 minutes. There is no belt in the brush bar, which increases the reliability of the overall machine, which commonly breaks in competitor models. V-ball technology has greater range of motion allowing the wand to lay flat when cleaning down low and making it more manueverable/versatile than our previous cordless machines.
*Tested against upright market, dust loaded, using ASTM F608, ASTM F2607, & IEC 60312-1 5.2, 5.9.Tested against